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CVS Picture


Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) is a prenatal diagnostic procedure that may be performed to diagnose genetic or chromosomal disorders. A safe and reliable technique, CVS is generally performed between weeks 10 and 13 of your pregnancy.

When CVS testing is called for, our expert medical team takes a small sample of tissue from the placenta by transcervical or transabdominal methods under ultrasound guidance.


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“I found out that I was carrying twins and was referred to PANM.  My pregnancy required many visits and I always felt welcomed and in good hands when I was at Perinatal Associates!”


Keegan & Tracy Shelton, Twice As Good

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201 Cedar SE
Suite 405
Albuquerque NM

(505) 764-9535

OUR MISSION: At Perinatal Associates of New Mexico, we provide the finest obstetrical care available to women during their pregnancy, assisting them with any medical complications that arise to ensure the best possible outcome for both mother and baby.