Fetal Assessment Center
In order to provide you and your baby with the best care possible, your doctor may send you to the Perinatal Associates of New Mexico’s Fetal Assessment Center. The most common reasons for a visit to our facility for testing are: decreased fetal movement, diabetes, high blood pressure, past due date or pre-term labor.
Our team of specialists will use the following tests to make sure they have the most complete information available about your baby’s health:
- Nonstress Testing
- Amniotic Fluid Index
- Doppler Evaluation
- Sonographic Fetal Activity Assessment
Each of these evaluations is done with the ultimate goal of ensuring the best possible outcome for your pregnancy. The more we know about you and your baby, the better care we can provide.
Perinatal Associates of New Mexico is the first maternal-fetal medical practice in the State of New Mexico to be Fetal Echocardiography certified by AIUM. PANM joins the University of Colorado as the only practices with this level of accreditation in the Southwest (Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Texas).